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Agilent 8640B TM3 free download

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TM 9-4935-601-14-7&P TECHNICAL MANUAL OPERATOR, ORGANIZATIONAL, DIRECT SUPPORT, AND GENERAL SUPPORT MAI'NTENANCE MANUAL (INCLUDING REPAIR PARTS) FOR 8640B SIGNAL GENERATOR (INCLUDING OPTION 001) (PATRIOT AIR DEFENSE GUIDED MISSILE SYSTEM) HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY SEPTEMBER 1986 TM 9-4935-601-14-7&P WARNING DANGEROUS VOLTAGE is used to operate this equipment DEATH ON CONTACT may result if safety precautions are not observed. Never work on electronic equipment unless there is someone nearby who is familiar with the operation and hazards of the equipment and is able to give first aid. When the technician is aided by operators, he must warn them about dangerous areas. When possible, shut off power to equipment before beginning work on equipment. Ground every capacitor likely to hold a dangerous potential. When working inside equipment, after the power has been turned off, always ground every part before touching it. Be careful not to contact high-voltage connections when installing or operating this equipment. When possible, keep one hand away from equipment to reduce the hazard of current flowing through the vital organs of the body. Read FM 21-11, First Aid for Soldiers, and learn how to administer artificial respiration. WARNING Do not be misled by the term "low voltage." Under adverse conditions, potentials as low as 50 volts may cause death. a/(b blank) TM 9-4935-601-14-7&P This material is reproduced through the courtesy of Hewlett-Packard Company. Distribution is limited to use with the PATRIOT missile system. TECHNICAL MANUAL ) HEADQUARTERS ) DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY No. 9-1430-601-14-7&P ) Washington, D.C.,10 September 1986 Operator, Organizational, and DS/GS Maintenance Manual (INCLUDING REPAIR PARTS) FOR 8640B SIGNAL GENERATOR (Including Option 001) (PATRIOT AIR DEFENSE GUIDED MISSILE SYSTEM) This manual

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